Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Verdict is in....

--"She was very loving, outgoing, fun. She loved people, dancing, holidays, the outdoors, family & friends.  She loved everything"--Marissa

12/20/11 NEWLY ADDED - Sentencing Day.  The words of the murderer, and the Judge sentencing him to life in prison. In the next few days, I will have the 'transcribed' closing arguments, and the words from Rocky, Cindy, and Marissa on sentencing day.

Greetings friends....  I have obtained, and finally will be able to post asap, the final arguments and also the day of sentencing....  I'm working as much as I can to get the rest of the trial up!  Thank you so much for checking back.  I still have the obstacle of getting the 'exhibits' from the DA's office.  (the letter, log, etc) I will let you know if you can help!  I hate to bother the most awesome D.A. Patrick Flaherty, especially after his awesome representation of our good friend, but I want those.  Not just for me, but for this blog and the truth that follows.  Peace to you, remember to slow down and enjoy Christmas with your family and loved ones...  xoxo

"She was a believer in faith, angels and a bigger power. We witnessed it together when our mom passed. She was into science, especially the ISS and shuttles. Maybe the only real thing he knew of her, but because of his actions AGAIN, there was no way to get her there.

I am in the process of getting one of her many drawings of the ISS on a Russian ride with an American astronaut to be put up on the ISS.
I'd gratefully take anyone else's help trying to make this happen if anyone knows some people at NASA, but either way I'll keep writing letters and trying to make it happen. It's the best I can do for her and her memory even though I feel that's probably somewhere she went right away once she left this journey."
- Cindy Wright

Thursday 11/17/11  Steven Blaylock is sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.  I wasn't prepared for what I saw today.  The courtroom was packed.  Cindy, Marissa, and Rocky got to speak to the judge.  There were many tears.  Then the cold-hearted murderer spoke, no sign of remorse, and we were all in shock.  What exactly was he saying anyway?  Not 'I'm sorry' or anything close to it.  The Judge pointed out that he was justifying dumping her in a river by saying she wanted to be buried at sea.  What a psycho.

Come to find out getting transcripts isn't that fast.  So I'm working on getting transcripts of today (sentencing), closing arguments, and hopefully the letter he wrote, his log, and list.  Also waiting to hear if I can obtain the video recorded interviews, in transcript form.

This is going to take some time!  Until then I will keep posting my notes on the trial.  Love love...

Steven Blaylock - Guilty - Murder

Greetings friends!  I loved being around you all at the trial (those who COULD be there).  I made this blog for people who wanted to be there, or just want to look into what went on.  I fixed the 'comments' so that you don't have to sign up and be a member to comment.  Be sure to read my disclaimer! lol
I'm still posting days as you can see, so check back again later!

Peace, love, and light to you all, and especially Woody.



  1. Good job putting this all together Rachel. I wanted to be there, but as you gets in the way!

  2. My deepest gratitude to Rachel for pushing past her grief to make this information available, knowing that she undertook a long journey to make it happen. It has been years, yet I still find myself unable to quite come to grips with her loss, and once again do a search in case I missed the news that perhaps Woody's body has been located and laid to rest. Memories of a night much like her friends described during the trial have been a burden on my heart, and reading that I was not alone has released me. If Rachel should happen upon this, I thank you.
