Day 9

Day 9
November 8th, Tuesday

Day 2 of Defense.

Defense recalls Patricia Lassiter:  After found out Lori missing, was with Def to support him.  Appeared fine/very upset, was going to hire a PI (Private Investigator).  He didn’t want her to do that because it’s too expensive.  On Sunday to check house for missing objects- asked Def to look for- paycheck (to travel) bank accounts, camping gear, He wrote down a list.  Present when made the list? Yes.  State’s Ex.#23.  Does this look like the list- Yes. He was at her house, Sunday before arrested.  Stuck it in his shirt pocket.

Who talk to when left yesterday- Linda, Terry, Jane, all Blaylocks, Randy.  Wasn’t asked yesterday, numerous texts with Def in early Nov.  Was going to contact a PI., November 2010, believed Lori missing, Def convincing liar? Yes, almost 100 people on search.  At no time told he killed her. He didn’t want a PI.  Yesterday- didn’t have much contact with Def.  Today says were together every day.  Interview with Police officer- 11/4 news, saw missing, she called Steve, 5:40 AM contacted him.  Did Def get new phone, account? Unknown.  No further questions.  State requests she remain available.

Defense calls Sarah Bridgewater:  Lives in Bend, bartender at Reed Pub 4.5 years, part time.  Knows Def 4.5 years, knew Lori 1-1.5 years.  How?  Reed Pub.  Socialized on few occasions- the year before- 2 or 3 times.  Went to her house for cocktails 3 or 4 weeks before missing.  Both invited her – Interactions at Reed normal, sometimes tension.  Alcohol at their house.  Can judge intoxication.  All were a little intoxicated.  During visit, tension, Lori talked mostly, dismissed Def when he tried to talk.  Injuries on Steve, 2 times, Black eye.  Glasses broken once, at Reed Pub.  Tell how got injuries? Yes.  (Objection- Hearsay)  Injuries on Lori? Not that can think of.  Last saw 2 weeks before disappeared at Reed with Def.  Nothing noticeable about interaction.  Saturday prior, last saw Steve @ Reed Pub.  Didn’t see him after that. Was at search 11/6 Saturday.  Didn’t see Def.  Didn’t go on search- late, had surgery.  No more questions.

How often worked in 2010, part time.  Had chemotherapy, about 10 times saw Lori in that year- same with Def.  Def had been kicked out 2 different times.  No more questions.

Police officer, spoke at search, told about Def (State Objects- sustained) Jury Out-

Def- told police-what Def told about cause of injuries? Yes.
Relevant that police didn’t follow up.  Objection Overruled.  Jury In-

(Judge addresses people in courtroom, nodding of heads or reactions won’t be tolerated, and those people will be asked to leave.)

Defense-Spoke to police. Told what Def said about cause of injuries?  Yes.  Witness excused.

Defense calls John Hayner:  Attorney of 36 years, divorce and family.  State Objects- Jury Out-

Def- recognize def met 08/10 at Crescent Lake camping, next to Steve’s camp & kids maybe 15 or 20 feet away.  The next weekend, 40-50 feet away.  Road separated camps.  Met Lori 2nd weekend- went over to talk with Def.- gonna be leaving- wanted firewood.  Night before met Lori, after dark, around fire, heard argument, got louder, walked to other side of trailer to see what was going on- shouting- Steve’s camp, 2 adult voices, male & female.  Knew wife was bringing boat up that weekend.  Next AM met Lori.  Specifics of argument- unknown.  Yelled at them a couple times to be quiet.  Also heard flesh hitting flesh.  Started hollering at them, then sounded like having sex.  Physical injuries? Lori had ace bandage on knee or ankle, Def had fingernail marks on left cheek, at least 3.  Seated at camp table next AM, they left later.

Prosecution-Was Def-1st week- friends?  Kids were there, could’ve been other tents.  The 2nd week, utility trailer there 2 weeks. other people at fire? Yes over 2nd weekend.  Was another woman camped near Def & Lori.  Sure- where fight came from.  Man’s voice, womans voice from Blaylock camp.  Closest tent to him was Steve’s.  40-60 feet away.  Was at campfire.  Went over, didn’t mention it.  Seemed fine.  Appeared friendly with each other.  No further questions.

Day before incident, Def didn’t have injuries on face.

Insufficient knowledge.

Def- relevance- volatile relationship, heard argument & physical fighting & Steve only one with injuries.  Lori’s character, self defense, Lori assaulted Def.
Objection Overruled- Jury Back In-

Jury hears this same testimony- minus the part about sex, and additionally--  talking about argument, accusations, obscene, went on 3-5 minutes.  Initially had effect- later didn’t.  Hitting, hollered again to ‘knock it off’, ‘take it home’.  Next AM curious- went to ask about firewood.  Met Lori, had ace bandage, happened before.  Steve-scratch marks on cheek (3), didn’t ask about them or relationship.  No further questions.

Didn’t call 911, recall night before incident, last saw them at camp, restroom, other people there.  Saw that afternoon- no injuries.  How many other camp- about 20 spots, was crowded, could ID voices specifically- possible Def. Intoxicated and ran into tree & scratched face? Yes. Don’t really know what happened.  No further questions, excused.

Defense Rests.

Prosecution- 1:30 with have 2 more witnesses for rebuttal.  8:30 AM tomorrow- closing arguments. 

State calls Mike Fridlund:   St. Charles Respiratory Therapist, for 30 years- was in Walla Walla, Bend since 1985.  Met Lori when hired her.  Worked with her 6 or 7 years on nights, Air Life- socialized also- over the years. Close knit group, family, character- would give shirt off back, peaceful.  Never saw Lori hit, kick, strike anyone.  Never started altercations- as a co-worker, job always 1st, patient oriented.  She helped move, made dump run, last time seen her- mid-October 2010.  Married just over a year.  Did Lori express concerns to marriage?  Objection- Jury Out-

State- A conversation with Woody- last fall- expressed concern- was going to get a divorce, how to do it, get attorney, paperwork- decide that’s what you want to do.
Objection- Hearsay, relevance
Prosecution- State of mind.  Objection sustained.

Jury In-

Time frame, last contact, moved Oct 2010, Lori assisted, over years knew her.  Did personality change, no always the same.  No more questions.  Def- no questions.

State calls Marissa Espinoza:  Lori’s Niece.  Called her Aunt Lori. Knew her all of life till just last year.  Spent lots of time with her.  Describe- Very loving, outgoing, fun, loved to see people, dancing, holidays, outdoors, family & friends, loved everything.  Never saw her angry, hit, kick, push or upset.  Prior to summer 2010, promised to give her her car when turned 16.  Last year got Drivers License, Aunt Lori gave her a car, early July.  11/03/93 Birthday, report, missing -from Rocky, came with police, somebody said Lori would go there, Lori never came to their house.  Only went over to get the car.  No more questions.  Defense- no questions.

State rests.
8:30 AM tomorrow for closing arguments.